As we get older, the structures in our eyes begin to change, becoming less flexible than they used to be. These changes are completely normal, but sometimes they can affect the ability to focus on smaller text up close, leading many to hold menus or phones at arm’s length in order to read them. Luckily, a pair of reading glasses is an easy and fun way to help. 

Whether you’ve noticed your vision changing over time, have trouble focusing on smaller text, or just want to promote your eye comfort while reading, a pair of reading glasses can help. 

What Do Reading Glasses Help With?

What are reading glasses? To answer this question, it’s important to look at what they help with and then how they help. 

Reading glasses help with a condition known as presbyopia. This condition usually begins around middle age and can develop until around age 65. Presbyopia is a completely normal process that most people’s eyes go through when they’re older, and it is easily addressed with a pair of readers. Let’s take a closer look at what this condition is and why it affects vision. 

When functioning regularly, two structures in our eyes, known as the lens and cornea, refract light and bend it in order to process images. The muscles around the lens also work to relax when focusing on the objects in the distance and constrict when focusing on objects close by. 

However, as we get older, these muscles can harden and become less flexible. So, when looking in the distance, we may still be able to see clearly and focus easily, but when looking at words and objects up close, it can get difficult to focus on them. 

You’ll notice a few telltale signs of presbyopia, such as needing to hold newspapers, books, or your phone farther away in order to read them. It may become difficult to check your watch, read prices at the store, and perhaps make out details in photos. You may also experience difficulty when reading and you may need to squint in order to see better. 

If this sounds familiar to you, not to worry. Reading glasses are an easy way to help your eyes focus like they once did.

Here’s how reading glasses work:

How Do Reading Glasses Work?

Reading glasses work like a magnifying glass, which means the edges are the thinnest point while the middle is much thicker. This helps enlarge the text you’re reading and makes it easier for your eyes to focus on words and objects up close without needing to hold them far away.

Reading glasses differ in terms of strength, meaning there are different levels of enlargement you can choose. The strength you need will depend on how far your presbyopia has developed or how much assistance you want.

Reading glasses are available in a range of diopters in +0.25 to +0.50 increments, from around +0.25 to +3.50 in most retail locations, with higher  strength diopters available through eyecare professionals. There are many different ways to find your reading glasses strength, and using this reading glasses guide will show you everything you need to know!

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